Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Here is Day 5's make up sketch:
Here are nigh'ts 6 and 7... missed night 5 so I will have to do two tomorrow night :)

Night 7:   Brought to you but the letter T :)  It's part of a larger project I have been working on...just two letters left until the name is complete!

And here is the project....almost complete!

Night 6: 

This was just a quick little number straight from my imagination to the paper. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

It's been a while since I have felt any sort of creative bug and it's been even longer since I have shared anything I have done.  I have decided to face a bit of my fear and try to move past my creative and emotional block.  I am giving myself a 30 day challenge.  There are only two rules:

Rule #1;  I must do one creative work every day for 30 days.  The medium doesn't matter and time spent doesn't matter.

Rule #2:  I must share my work each day.

Here are the first four nights pictures: